2,026,049 people have helped raise more than $5,801,993 for 274 projects

Projects in Ukraine

Providing Critical Education Materials to Children Affected by Conflict in Ukraine RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Ukraine Countless Ukrainian children have had their education disrupted by the ongoing conflict. Save the Children’s Library for All program ensures that displaced children continue to have access to learning opportunities.

Project cost

0AUD 25,000


Raised from 1,549 people

Latest donation: USD 5.00

4 minutes ago from a World Nomads Global customer

Providing critical education to children affected by conflict in Ukraine RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Ukraine Children in Ukraine have had their education significantly disrupted by ongoing conflict. Save the Children is working to ensure all Ukrainian children can realise their human right to gain foundational literacy and numeracy skills through their Library for All program.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,006

Raised from 3,750 people

Support children and families affected by the Ukraine Crisis RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Ukraine Support children and families effected by the Ukraine Crisis with essential livelihood items and with support services including continuation of remote education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,005

Raised from 4,103 people

Medicines for Orphanages, Ukraine RUN BY: The Silk Route Project

Delivering basic medicines to two Orphanages in Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 1,000

Raised from 1 people