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Project report

School feeding program, Siem Reap, Cambodia Cambodia , RUN BY: Plan International Australia | STATUS: COMPLETED

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,005

Raised from 8,338 people

Project Results

Providing meals to students in schools

Through the provision of meals at school, the project aims to increase the number of children enrolling in school and decrease the number of students dropping out of school due to hunger or to support their families. Students receive a breakfast at school each day consisting of rice, fish and beans. 

  • In Siem Reap 67,771 students (33,682 are girls) received school breakfast in 344 primary schools. 
  • In Battambang, Kompong Thom and Oddar Meanchey, there are 62,156 students (30,702 are girls) benefited from the breakfast program.   

Providing students with take-home rations and providing cash scholarships to particularly vulnerable families

For vulnerable, extremely poor families it is difficult, on a daily basis, to provide food for the family. Often they are forced to take their children out of school so they can help find or grow food.  To encourage parents to send their children to school students are provided with a monthly ration of 10kg of food to take home. 

Students from particularly vulnerable families also receive a cash scholarship. These students are identified based on an assessment of households, and the cash scholarships lessen the strain on their household’s food supply.

  • In Siem Reap, 8,927 students (3,907 girls) received 10kg of rice per month, and 1,790 students (1,090 girls) received 10kg of rice per month and $5.00USD per month cash scholarship.  
  • In Kampong Thom, 2,153 students (1,040 girls) received 10kg of rice per month, and 704 students (404 girls) per month and $5.00USD per month cash scholarship.  
  • In Battambang, 3,318 students (1,692 girls) received 10kg of rice per month. 
  • In Oddar Meanchey 103 students (51 girls) received 10kg of rice per month. 

Total 14,501 students received 10kg rice per month

Total 2,494 students received 10kg of rice per month and $5.00USD per month cash scholarship.  


  • To ensure there was enough food for each student, the amount of ration for rice at school was reduced from 0.115kg to 0.100kg per child in Q2.    
  • Each community has a store keeper, who manages the storage of the food at the schools. Store keepers had been changed quite often, and the new comers ‘capacity in record keeping, reporting are very limited. It consumed a lot of time to train the new store keeper to manage the storage by Project Officers as field staff.  

Community participation & contribution

  • School Support Committees and teachers are very active to take part in School Feeding Program. They regularly conducted meeting discuss on school issue/ development especially solving of issue food lost and damage. Pourk district in Siem Reap conducted meeting to discuss school environment improvement, student’s attendance, school development activity in this reporting period.  
  • Some parents provided in-kind goods /services to the schools. Items included fire wood for cooking and some construction materials for building schools’ kitchens. 

 Case Study:  The Future Brighter for Kolab 

Kolab* is a girl with disability, 14 years old, studies at grade 6, lives with her mother, older brother and sisters, Soutnikom district, Siem Reap.  

Her mother, Phorn Nek, is 48 years old and was separated from her husband since Kolab was 1 year old. Her family have been certified by local authority as Poor 1 (which is the most disadvantaged). 

“My family live in difficult circumstances since my parents were separated. My mum earns a small income.  My study, during grade 1 to 4 was not satisfactory at all.  I was absent regularly from class because I sometime sick because there was not enough food for eating at home.  

“Luckily, in school year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, I have been selected by teachers and school support committee to be a beneficiary for take home ration.  My family is so happy to get food support by WFP under cooperation with Plan International and Provincial Department of Education Youth and Sport in Siem Reap province.”  

“The living condition of my family is now better.  My mother has grown vegetable around my house such as chili, gourd, pumpkin, eggplant, and other vegetable for selling in our village.  Since I got a food scholarship, my study is getting better and better because I am never absent from school.  I also got the opportunity to study English that was taught by my neighbour free of charge. I am very happy with my family, teachers, and friends that they never left me alone and I was never discriminated.  In addition, I was educated to go to the health centre to check up my health and take some medication from the doctor there,” Kolab smiled.           

* Kolab is not the student’s real name 

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

World Nomads Canada
***World Nomads UK
Travel Insurance Direct NZ
Plan International Australia

Put simply, we’re the charity for girls’ equality.

We tackle the root causes of poverty, support communities through crises, campaign for gender equality, and help governments do what’s right for children and particularly for girls. We are a secular organisation with no religious or political affiliations.We believe a better world is possible. An equal world; a world where all children can live happy and healthy lives, and where girls can take their rightful place as equals.

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