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Project report

Saving Lives in Indonesia Indonesia , RUN BY: Oxfam Australia | STATUS: COMPLETED

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,002

Raised from 8,029 people

Key Results

From July to December 2014, the following results were achieved:

  • A workshop with 11 partners (32 staff, 15 women) resulted in an updated emergency roster and a consortium plan.
  • 145 staff and partners (57 women) participated in training in needs assessments with mobile phones, information management software, disaster information management, portable emergency water unit operation, people-centered approaches, disability inclusion, emergency market mapping, forty-eight hour assessment, private sector engagement and hygiene promotion.
  • Bima City’s district management agency and partners (3 women, 15 men) participated in training on Global Information System-based risk assessments.
  • Partners were provided with five portable emergency water treatment units and hygiene kit stock, as preparation for use in emergencies.
  • Seven community members (one woman) shared guidance on best practice in building community resilience at a National Conference on Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (DRM), attended by 20 women and 60 men.
  • Through flood mitigation activities, three villages (424 males, 169 females) mapped forest conservation areas and community-based forest management, and recorded local wisdom on conservation. 22 men developed a model of livelihood resilience in the dry season. 215 women developed an alternative livelihood strategy for household agricultural planting.

The national government enacted the regulation for gender mainstreaming in DRM that was drafted by Oxfam and partners. Oxfam is developing guidance documents on implementation of the regulation. The Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (3 women, 10 men) in Nusa Tenggara Barat engaged Parliament about enacting a provincial DRM regulation. A roadmap for the floods master plan was printed. Oxfam presented a roadmap for the floods master plan to Government officials (1 woman, 4 men). Oxfam’s disaster risk analysis model was partially adopted into a draft guidance document for national risk analysis. Oxfam and partner Bank Rakyat Indonesia developed a response model for micro and small enterprises during emergencies, using electronic transfers.

Project challenges

The location for scale-up of the response model using technology and markets in urban contexts changed from Jakarta to Makassar city. Makassar is more prepared for this type of intervention. However, Oxfam is still engaging the key person in the Jakarta Local Disaster Management Agency (LDMA) about replicating the model. Should Jakarta LDMA replicate the model, Oxfam would be better positioned to influence the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) about adopting the model as national policy.

There is a model for producing a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for individual small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which is provided by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). However, there is no practical guidance to produce an Area- BCP, which involves establishing a collective planning mechanism for the SMEs to maintain their business processes during an emergency. The Oxfam team is currently learning how to produce this planning mechanism as part of the strategy to promote resilience of the SMEs across an area against disasters.

The new government has not re-established the office for natural disaster management support in the State Secretariat. Thus, Oxfam and its partner are working to find strategic alliances inside the national government to promote the roadmap on the floods master plan framework. This work is ongoing.

Changes to the original project and other considerations

The project is also implemented in Jakarta and Yogyakarta.

New partners include: Pusat Kajian dan Perlindungan Anak (PKPA), Kelompok Kerja Sosial Perkotaan (KKSP), Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (MPBI), Perkumpulan Suara Nurani (SUAR), Detak Jaringan Rupa (DEJARUP) and Bank Rakyat Indonesia (a private sector partner). PKPA and KKSP are focused on issues of child protection, and Oxfam has supported their request for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) training and WASH contingency stock. Oxfam is working with SUAR on gender mainstreaming in DRR and on influencing the local government to establish a Local Disaster Management Agency. MPBI is a national- level partner who works on influencing national policy. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) is a state-owned bank with branches in all sub-districts in Indonesia. Oxfam is working with BRI on cash transfer programming.

From July to December 2014, the Indonesia Disaster Management project reached 6,250,622 indirect beneficiaries. This number of beneficiaries exceeds the project target of 5,316,458. Over the next six months, the project anticipates reaching approximately an additional 50,000 indirect beneficiaries. Therefore, the indirect beneficiary target figure has been changed to 6,300,000.

In addition to the results above, two university student forums (25 women, 20 men) for DRM were formed. 32 women and 60 men from universities, government, non- government and private sector organisations attended public discussions on accountability in disaster management, resulting in a recommendation to review the humanitarian funding policy.

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

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