Project Background
Plan International is working in 15 villages in Rakhine state to provide poor and disadvantaged children aged birth to 8 years with access to quality early learning services, and to prepare older children for school through our primary school transition program.
With your support we have been working with children, their parents, early learning centre caregivers and primary school teachers to increase their skills and knowledge to strengthen the support for child wellbeing – so children have a better start to life.

Project Outcomes
- Children in Grade 1 and 2 have been supported to remain in school and pass from one grade to the next through community and school based transition activities
- Plan produced a Learning Toys Production Guide for Early Learning Programs and Home Play, used as a resource for a Toy Making Workshop for parents. The workshop included discussion on why toys need to be disability inclusive and toy making for children with disabilities
- Curriculum, pictorial child development and toy making cards and other resources that support child health were produced
- Plan is engaging mothers and fathers in parenting groups. This year, father-only parenting group sessions were started and fathers reported that this gives them the safety and ability to open up about their concerns and emotions in a way that would not be possible in a mixed group
- Given the ethnic groups present in Taungup, the project ensures mother tongue teaching takes place through the use of teachers’ assistants in the classroom, contextualisation of curriculum and integration of traditional stories, games and songs into the daily routine
Key Achievements
Parenting Groups
- Plan International and partners are providing training on child protection, inclusive teaching practices, positive discipline and equality between girls and boys to early learning caregivers and Grade 1 and 2 primary school teachers to help increase their skills and confidence in the classroom
- Since having father-only parenting sessions, fathers are more engaged in parenting and in making community plans and actions.
- 1,462 parenting group members are attending parenting sessions regularly, have demonstrated changes in practice and shared new knowledge with spouses and neighbours in 8 villages. During these sessions they learn to make educational toys.
- These parenting groups are also being used as an entry point for discussion and action around inclusion of children and parents with disabilities in the community, by raising awareness of the barriers faced by people with disabilities and looking at ways to increase their access to services and participation the community
- 25 playgroups are meeting regularly, with 801 children participating in these
- 71 playgroup volunteers have been trained in 25 villages
Teaching Improvements
- 18 children’s club volunteers were trained and provided with ongoing mentoring and coaching to run playgroups for children aged from birth to 3 years. These volunteers are helping build parents’ knowledge and practical skills to support their child’s development.
- Mother tongue teaching taking place through the use of teachers’ assistants in the classroom, contextualisation of curriculum and integration of traditional stories, games and songs into the daily routine so as to address barriers to inclusion for ethnic groups, particularly language and cultural barriers to education has been ensured.

Program Beneficiaries
- 10 Father groups and 10 Mother groups have been created during this period of support from Footprints.
- 278 children (141 girls; 137 boys-aged 6-8 years) are attending 5 children’s clubs. Children learn through play and attend the club once a week.
- 432 children (236 girls; 196 boys) are attending 15 community managed Early Childhood Centred Development centres.
- 2,290 fathers in the community have improved knowledge to help their child’s development as well as an understanding of child potection, equality between boys and girls, child-friendly teaching and learning.
- 4,371 mothers in the community have improved knowledge to help their child’s development as well as an understanding of child protection, equality between boys and girls, child-friendly teaching and learning.
- 1,276 girls in the community have benefited from improved knowledge, teaching, and facilities
- 948 boys in the community have benefited from improved knowledge, teaching, and facilities
Community Feedback
A community effort for the development of children
Tae Mauk Village is located in Sar Pyin Village Tract, north-west to Toungup Town, Rakhine State
The Early Childhood Centred Development (ECCD) project has focused on promoting parents’ behaviour change and developed parents and caregivers’ awareness and knowledge in supporting children’s wellbeing (growth, development, and learning and protection); strengthened caregiver’s attitudes, beliefs, and practices in relation to caring for children; and motivated community members to work as a team to address community issues that affect children.
The village leader, Maung Pu Lay who has been taking a leadership role in the Early Childhood Centred Development activities said, “We attended the management training and we became aware of our problems”.
“We also learned the importance of early years in a child’s life and their development needs.”
He continued, “When the community is committed to ECCD work, a community space like an ECCD centre in the village becomes crucial. We had community meetings at night to discuss about how to contribute to having a space like this for our children. More important is the parents groups learning and modelling their child care practices. These activities will change the future of our children.”
"When I saw children happily singing songs and learning through play in the ECCD centre that we all have built together, I was filled with tears. Those were tears of joy. I am sure many people in my village feel the same. We had many challenges but we can overcome these. Now, children receive proper care.
“This is what we did together for the children in our village, for their future, for our future.” Maung Pu Lay said.

Project Objectives
Plan is working in 15 villages in Rakhine state to provide poor and disadvantaged children aged birth to 8 years with access to quality early learning services, and to prepare older children for school through our primary school transition program. To achieve this we are working with children, their parents, early learning centre caregivers and primary school teachers to increase their skills and knowledge to strengthen the support for child wellbeing.
Our current project aims are:
- train early childhood teachers and caregivers in 15 villages on child protection, equality between boys and girls, child-friendly teaching and learning and inclusive classroom practice;
- train parents and caregivers in 15 villages to make educational toys using locally available, low cost materials;
- establish parenting groups in 8 new villages to improve parenting practices;
- select and train volunteers from parenting groups to run infant and toddler playgroups for children aged birth to 3 years.
Project Background
Myanmar is one of Southeast Asia's largest nations, with a population of more than 52 million people. With 135 different ethnic groups it is also one of the world's most diverse countries. Approximately 70% of Myanmar's population reside in rural areas, with many families making their living from subsistence farming. Rakhine state is situated on the western coast of Myanmar and is one of the least developed and poorest areas with high rates of malnutrition among children and limited health and education services.
Few children in rural areas are able to access early childhood services like kindergarten or preschool, and there are low levels of awareness by parents about child development and positive caring practices. Many traditional and cultural beliefs are misleading for parents especially around the nutrition, health and development of children, with poor villagers often seeking health services from untrained local villagers. Poor water and sanitation practices such as lack of hand washing during food preparation, as well as low rates of exclusive breastfeeding and early introduction of complementary foods are also common and can lead to illnesses among children.
Although there has been an improvement in early learning centre enrolment rates, many children still miss out. This is due to difficulty in accessing early learning centres, limited availability of teaching and learning materials and limited opportunities for training and professional development of early learning centre caregivers. There are also low primary school retention and completion rates. Those children who are able to attend primary school face challenges such as overcrowding in the classrooms, teacher absenteeism and poor student learning outcomes.
Community Involvement
As part of the project, village volunteers are being selected and trained as parenting group facilitators, to help build parents’ knowledge and practical skills to support their child’s development. Parents involved in parenting groups are encouraged to discuss and demonstrate new parenting practices with family, friends and neighbours, to help spread knowledge and skills. To ensure children are able to participate in stimulating activities from a young age, parents and community members are being supported to facilitate infant and toddler playgroups in their communities for children aged birth to 3 years. Plan is also providing training on child protection, inclusive teaching practices, positive discipline and equality between girls and boys to early learning caregivers and Grade 1 and 2 primary school teachers to help increase their skills and confidence in the classroom. We are speaking with children, parents and teachers to explore the current barriers to success in the early grades and identify necessary support for lower primary students, to ensure children aged 6–8 years are able to successfully transition to primary school in Myanmar. The project is inclusive of children with disabilities who face many physical and attitudinal barriers, especially when it comes to accessing education in poor rural and remote areas. We aim to include children with disabilities in project activities helping them to access their basic rights to education, development and participation. Parenting groups are also being used as an entry point for discussion and action around inclusion of children and parents with disabilities in the community, by raising awareness of the barriers faced by people with disabilities and looking at ways to increase their access to services and participation the community. About Plan's work in MyanmarThis is a 4 year project with a total cost of $725,000. The project includes teacher training, parental support and the establishment of playgroups and resources for children’s early education. Plan takes a holistic approach to early childhood development, working at the community level to support childhood development from birth. Early Childhood Care and Development is a key area of expertise and a priority in our development work globally. |
How was it this funded?
Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.
- World Nomads USA
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- World Nomads Canada
Put simply, we’re the charity
for girls’ equality.
We tackle the root causes of
poverty, support communities through crises, campaign for gender equality, and
help governments do what’s right for children and particularly for girls. We
are a secular organisation with no religious or political affiliations.We believe a better world is
possible. An equal world; a world where all children can live happy and healthy
lives, and where girls can take their rightful place as equals.