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Project report

Providing access to quality education in Nepal Nepal , RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation | STATUS: COMPLETED

Image supplied by Australian Himalayan Foundation

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 15,014

Raised from 2,284 people

Program summary

This project focuses on training teachers in the remote Solukhumbu district of Nepal, helping ensure that children have better opportunities in life through an inclusive, high-quality education.  

During the first year of the current education project (2021), the Lower Solukhumbu was still recovering from Covid-19. But thanks to the tenacity and commitment of our education partner REED Nepal, there has been much progress in the TTQIE (Teacher Training Quality and Inclusion Education) program.

Building on the former TTQE, the new program speaks to the next stages of education in the area and has an additional focus on inclusion.

We are almost halfway through the second year of the five-year project, with much work still to do. So far, in association with REED, we have tailored and rolled out the progressive Teacher Training Program with an emphasis on people with disabilities (PwD). The project has many elements and we are excited to share our work to date.

By supporting AHF and the Teacher Training Quality and Inclusion Education (TTQIE) Project, you have helped create a significant impact.

For example:

  • A total of 360 teachers, who are part of the TTQIE Project, have increased their knowledge of integrated pedagogy (how to teach) by 47.66%. That’s a huge shift, marking the difference between the previous level of understanding (29.5%) to the current baseline of 77.16%.
  • At-home engagement bears a huge influence on a child’s capacity to thrive. This year, 2720 parents were briefed via orientation sessions on the importance of creating a supportive learning environment at home.

2021/22 Key Achievements

The delivery of the TTQIE program has gathered momentum since the COVID pandemic.

Below is a snapshot of our achievements:

  • 360 teachers (185 female, 3 female PwD, 166 male, 6 male PwD) in 100 TTQIE Schools trained in integrated curriculum-based pedagogy.
  • 47.66% increase in knowledge of integrated curriculum pedagogy (from 29.5% to 77.16%)
  • On-site school support including mentoring and coaching for teachers provided to 70 of 100 TTQIE schools
  • 34.58% increase in basic level Training in Mathematics knowledge by 5 female and 18 male teachers. All 23 teachers completed the initial phase of the Teachers Professional Development (TPD) and are now working towards phase two.
  • Education-related awareness activities presented to 2720 parents of ECED and Early Grades 1–3 children, across 100 schools.
  • 50 TTQIE schools are now taking an anti-corporal punishment approach thanks to specialised teacher training, school mentoring and code of conduct training.
  • 3,568 community members (2509 female, 1059 male) demonstrate increased awareness of gender-based violence (GBV), suicide prevention and safeguarding after receiving training or attending orientation sessions.
  • 94.01% rate of student retention from grade 8 to grade 10 across all 31 TTQIE secondary schools.
  • 700 teachers trained in inclusive and quality teaching report being satisfied with the training.
  • 265 members of mothers’ groups (233 female, 1 FwD, 31 male) were oriented on supporting vulnerable members of society to continue their education.
  • Gender, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) training was given to 3,568 parents and child club members.
  • A Garma Secondary School teacher has received salary supplementation for learning and teaching 6 deaf students with Nepali sign language.
  • Coordination with the Nepali Association for the Welfare of the Blind (NAWB) has been conducted to provide braille teaching-learning materials for use with vision impaired children at Himalaya Dudh Kunda Primary School.

Key Project Outcomes

As we are almost halfway through the second year of this project REED are continuing to work towards meeting the six project outcomes for TTQIE:

  1. Increase teaching proficiency of teachers in all 100 TTQIE schools
  2. Strengthened governance and service delivery in all TTQIE schools
  3. Increased engagement of parents in the education of their children in all 100 schools under the TTQIE project
  4. Child-friendly and safe learning environment provided in 100 TTQIE schools
  5. Inclusive education improved in all 100 TTQIE schools by 2025
  6. Continuity of children's education during emergencies

Shikar Basic School: A Model for Replication

With your support, REED Nepal in partnership with AHF has steadily worked towards improving the education potential for local teachers. But that is not all they do. Through the TTQIE project, REED supplies education materials and offers child-centred teacher training that aids with classroom management. They also promote the value of education among parents, within the local communities, and among school key stakeholders.

One prime example is Shikhar Basic School. As schools reopened after Covid, a new Integrated Curriculum (IC) was introduced by the Nepal government for grades 1-3. Initially, there was confusion about how the curriculum worked. Many issues rose to the surface for schools like Shikhar, but “the teacher IC training was the most urgent and important one”, says Pramila Rai, a teacher at the school.

As staff were educated on new ways to engage children in learning, Shikhar Basic School moved towards grade teaching from subject teaching. This had a hugely positive impact, both on the teachers and the learning outcomes for children. Improvements in learning have been outstanding. Below are some of the results that prove there is a tangible increase in engagement and output.

Progress in Learning Achievements 2022 (marks out of 100)

  • English – 15% increase from 51.8 to 67/100
  • Science – 12%increase from 59.8 to 72/100
  • Elective subjects – 19% increase from 54.4 to 73.6/100

Overall, there was an average 4% increase across all subjects. With such an impressive outcome, the school is now applying grade teaching across all grades.  “This is a good opportunity and a new experience for us,” says Pramila. “Children are learning in a joyful environment through the new skills and ideas we have received from the training. This has been noticed by parents as well.”

Future Plans

We are proud of what your support has achieved with the TTQIE program to date. We will continue to work with REED to further gender and disability integration across all schools. With parents, community members and teaching staff attending orientation sessions, the current outcomes are encouraging.

There are five girls already attending Garma school as part of the Going to School support (GSS) component of TTQIE, and they are completing their technical vocational training.  We will keep you posted on news of their graduation.

Years two and three of the TTQIE project will also involve policy planning and further curriculum development, and mentoring for school management, good governance and administration procedures.

The ongoing success of this program is only made possible with your extraordinary support. For this we are incredibly grateful.

How was it this funded?

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Australian Himalayan Foundation

Over the years, thousands of Australians have visited the Himalaya. For many it is an opportunity to trek beneath the world’s highest peaks and to appreciate some of the world’s most hospitable cultures.

However, for the remote communities in Nepal, Bhutan and northern India, access to basic health and education services is often out of reach and climate change poses a growing threat to Himalayan communities, livelihoods and glaciers, which are a critical source of water for millions of people.

The Australian Himalayan Foundation believes that the people of the Himalaya know their local environments best. Therefore, since 2002, AHF has worked in partnership with local organisations to design and deliver cost-effective and practical programs that help remote Himalayan families withstand serious challenges such as poverty, injustice and natural disasters.

Giving to AHF as a traveller is an opportunity to give something back to one of the most incredible mountain destinations in the world.