2,025,114 people have helped raise more than $5,795,505 for 274 projects

Project report

Repair the Jambha Village School, Rajasthan India , RUN BY: World Expeditions | STATUS: COMPLETED

Kids at the newly painted classrooms, Jambha village school. (October 2008)

This project is 100% Funded



USD 2,791

Raised from 1,173 people

In rural India, where student retention can be problematic, providing a school environment that the students and teachers can be proud of is the first step in encouraging attendance.

The central aim of this project was therefore to provide such an environment through the upgrade of the school in Jambha, a desert village in Rajasthan.  Over 3 days the project included:

  • the painting of the school rooms internally and externally
  • the supply of 6 desks
  • development of a stone wall at the front of the school
  • general maintenance of roof and windows

The project aims were met by the 11 participants (on the World Expeditions Community Project Trip to Rajasthan) who physically worked together from 19-21 October 2008 , in challenging conditions to complete the work tasks that were identified.

Positive Footprints: India - video documentary

Amanda Byrne of WorldNomads.com and Trent O'Donnell filmed a documentary of the experience that you can see here.

Positive Footprints - India from WorldNomads on Vimeo.

Community Involvement & Feedback

This was the first community project of its kind in the region.  At first, the community were possibly a little suspicious but this dissipated when they witnessed the sincerity of the participants and their work efforts.  some of the trip participants found the peoples from the Jambha community a little reserved to begin with, however this sentiment diminished after the first day.

The important thing is that the community valued the project as an important mechanism to encourage students to attend school and to appreciate that education is an integral aspect of youth development and enhancing future prospects.

Future plans

This project was undertaken as part of the World Expeditions Community Project Travel program where the philosophy is to start and complete a project within the given timeframe, ensuring that no work is left undone.  It renders a permanent and immediate benefit for the community.

Travellers on World Expeditions North India Adventure pass through the Jambha village and can see the results of the school Repair program.

(Update posted 09 March 2009)

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

World Nomads USA
World Nomads Canada
***World Nomads UK
World Expeditions

World Expeditions is one of the world’s original adventure travel companies. They have earned an impeccable reputation through the unique experiences they provide in the field, through an environmental philosophy of minimal impact travel, and for the special quality of giving something back to the communities visited.  Footprints partners with World Expeditions' on selected community travel projects to provide funding for materials.