2,022,702 people have helped raise more than $5,779,016 for 274 projects

Project report

Amazon Community Schools Ecuador , RUN BY: Planeterra Foundation | STATUS: COMPLETED

Kids in the new classroom at the 'Teniente Hugo Ortiz' School , Amazon

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 5,001

Raised from 2,070 people

Project Report:

Cando Community: 'Felipe Serrano Moscoso' school

This community, run by Delfin Pauchi (who hosts G Adventures Amazon Homestay experiences) wished to install a brand new roof in the main school classroom. Every year the number of kids enrolled is dropping due to the migration of young men and women to the cities (this year there are 6 students) so maintaining buildings is getting harder.

Project Activities & Outcomes

  • Purchasing of tin/wood materials.
  • The student's parents worked on the project and part of the funding paid them for about.
  • It took a few weeks of work and was completed at the end of 2010.

Now the kids have a better and more secure classroom to go to, especially in the rainy season when the leaking roof was a problem.

Students at the Cando community school now enjoy classes without a leaky roof during the rainy season.

The new tin and wood roof, built by student's families.

Nueva Jerusalen community: 'Teniente Hugo Ortiz' School

The new classroom at the 'Teniente Hugo Ortiz' School was built in the community of Nueva Jerusalen in the Amazon region of Ecuador. This community is much bigger than Cando and is also closer to the city of Tena. Therefore they have better infrastructure and services, so migration to the city is not so prevalent. At the moment they have 55 kids attending the school in 3 different classrooms.

Project Activities & Outcomes

  • Purchasing of building materials for a new classroom
  • One month build time, completed in Nov 2010.
  • The student's parents worked on the project and part of the funding paid them for labour.

The school's principal said that they were very pleased to have a brand new classroom to receive the kids; it was very nice and both the kids and teachers were happy to use it. Also, they were very interested in starting a Computer program in school so that kids could learn basic computer skills.

Watch the Positive Footprints: Ecuadorian Amazon video

Positive Footprints - Ecuadorian Amazon from WorldNomads on Vimeo.

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

World Nomads USA
World Nomads Canada
***World Nomads UK
***iPhone Postcard App
Planeterra Foundation

Planeterra is a non-profit organization with a history of supporting communities through travellers' desire to give back.