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Project report

Marine rescue project, East Arnhem Land Northern Australia Australia , RUN BY: World Expeditions | STATUS: COMPLETED

Sea Country Rangers & Volunteers standing in front of just one of the many truckloads of rubbish and ghost nets collected, ready for disposal at the town waste facility.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 6,003

Raised from 2,583 people

Project Aim

This project enables the Aboriginal land owners to care for sea country which faces an environmental threat from marine debris washed ashore from the South East Asia fishing industry.   This project addresses United Nations MDG #7 to ensure environmental sustainability.

View video documentary about this project


Over two one-week periods in Sept 2011:

  • 50 ghost nets cleaned from beaches on East Arnhemland Coast;
  • 750 kilograms of marine rubbish collected from beaches on East Arnhemland Coast;
  • All nets and marine rubbish disposed of properly in town waste management facility;
  • 10 Aboriginal rangers from Dhimurru Land management participated in the program

Plastic Waste, largely from SE Asia, washes up on the Arnhem Land beaches in Australia's Northern Territory. It represents a danger to marine life and the pristine wilderness in this remote area.  Photo: Gus C's photos and blog.

Program Partners

The local partner is the Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation who manage the Arnhem Land coastline and environment through their Sea Country Ranger Program.  World Expeditions sent a group of volunteers to help implement this project.

The World Expeditions Community Project Travel Trip included a cultural exchange component to improve understanding of Indigenous Yolngu culture and ties to Sea country.

Some of the cultural activities were: 

  • Hunting (mud mussels, oysters, crayfish, spearing fish;
  • Lesson on kinship system;
  • Display of spear making;
  • Language skills;
  • Singing/music;
  • Dance (Bunggul) on the night last night – which was a highlight

Participant Feedback

"It was by far the very best trip we have done with World Ex to date. We were extremely organised our end, I finally worked out what was going to work and how to keep the rangers motivated. It also helped that there was an exceptional guide (Reece) who really helped to create a great atmosphere for the rangers and volunteers to interact."

Vanessa Drysdale, Sea Country Facillitator, Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation.

"Absolutely fantastic… we are thinking of organising another trip next year…"

Fredrike Walter, Volunteer

Can I visit this project

Yes - The Arnhem Land Marine Rescue Project is an annual expedition. Each year a different stretch of coastline is cleaned. The expedition is planned to run again in Sep 2012.  Visit World Expeditions Community Project for more details on volunteering.

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

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World Expeditions

World Expeditions is one of the world’s original adventure travel companies. They have earned an impeccable reputation through the unique experiences they provide in the field, through an environmental philosophy of minimal impact travel, and for the special quality of giving something back to the communities visited.  Footprints partners with World Expeditions' on selected community travel projects to provide funding for materials.