The Mentawai Islands is home to some of the most perfect waves in the world. But the extreme isolation with lack of clean and safe water, poor sanitation and inappropriate hygiene practices has led the communities into deeper illness, especially in women and children under five.
When we can secure access to clean water and to adequate sanitation facilities for all people, this leads to improved people’s health and wellbeing.
This project has provided new and improved water facilities for Sagitci Barat hamlet, Nemnemleleu village:
- 26 families access to clean water
- Construction one water storage ferro-cement tank
- Three unit tap stands
- 1.2km of distribution pipes
- Technical training for water committee
Together with SurfAid, and assisted by a Water Engineer and Health Promotion Officer, a community meeting was held to start the activity. During the meeting, planning on the construction of the water facilities was discussed and a water committee for Sagitci Barat was established. Follow up meetings continued, including technical training for water committee members and commitment from community members to works in groups on mutual assistance (Gotong Royong) and to contribute local materials.
SurfAid helps them to build their capacity through water technical training provided by a Water Engineer. This is to maintain water and sanitation systems so that become empowered to manage these systems with local stakeholders.
The Clean Water Project is aimed at contributing to the improved health condition of the community in South Sipora through improved knowledge, attitude and practices related to water and sanitation.

Project Objective
The Clean Water Project will contribute to the improved health of the community in the project sites through protecting the existing water source and delivering this clean water to a village tank and tap stands. Additionally, the project delivers improved knowledge, attitude and practices related to water and sanitation.
Project cost covers
- Establishment and training for a local water committee.
- Construction costs for: water source protection, 1.2 Km of distribution pipes (HDPE OD 63mm), 1 ferro-cement storage tank as a water kiosk, 3 tap stands
- Watsan technical consultant.
Current situation
Currently, the Sagitci Barat village sources water from an open, unprotected spring using mainly Bamboo pipes. It's anticipated that the project will improve the water quality and flow rate of 1.2 litres/second through the new gravity fed system.

Photo: The water source is currently unprotected/unfiltered.
Lack of clean and safe water, poor sanitation and inappropriate hygiene practices push already disadvantage sections of community into deeper illness, poverty and indignity, in which the condition limits the region's economic growth and human development. When we can secure access to clean water and to adequate sanitation facilities for all people, irrespective of the difference in their living conditions, and ensure recommended hygiene practices applied, a huge battle against all kinds of diseases will be won. This leads to improved people’s health and well-being.

Photo: The spring shows a small damn/pipe built by villagers in the bottom right corner. However, the water source is not kept clean from animals or leaves.
Community Involvement
All construction works will be implemented on a mutual assistance (gotong royong) basis. The community will learn to maintain water and sanitation systems, and become empowered to co-manage these systems with local stakeholders, without SurfAid’s continued assistance.

Photo: A similar project in Gobik village, showing one of 2 satellite tap stands erected at either end of the village.