2,023,946 people have helped raise more than $5,787,417 for 274 projects

Frequently Asked Questions

About Footprints

How does it work?

Why is Footprints integrated into online shops?

What is The Footprints Network?

Who is in The Network?

What exactly is the Footprints API?

Why did you start Footprints?

How do you choose projects?

Where are the projects located?

Financial accountability

How much money have you raised?

How do I know the money is well-spent?

How do I know that my donation actually goes to the project I selected?

Making donations

How do I make a donation?

Why are the donations always small?

Can I get a tax receipt for my donation?

Is it compulsory to donate when I make a purchase from a business partner?

FAQs for businesses

How would Footprints benefit my business?

Can ANY business join?

What does it cost?

How do I join?

How long does it take to add to my web site?

Is it secure?

Have you got a brochure?

Can I fund a project of my own?

Can I choose which projects I help fund?

Find out more about us

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