2,026,050 people have helped raise more than $5,802,001 for 274 projects

Projects in Costa Rica

Sea Turtles and Plastic Projects RUN BY: SEE Turtles

Costa Rica SEE Turtles helps the sea turtle community connect, grow, and thrive by supporting community-based conservation efforts. This project supports the Sea Turtles & Plastic campaign which is designed to get plastic waste out of sea turtle habitats around the world, by supporting four local programs in Costa Rica.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,008

Raised from 4,934 people

Help Save Green Turtles in Costa Rica RUN BY: Sea Turtle Conservancy

Costa Rica The Sea Turtle Conservancy is working to save the Green Turtles which are in decline, working within the community of Tortuguero in Costa Rica to introduce eco-tourism as an alternative to the “consumptive use” of sea turtles for meat, eggs and shell. Funds raised through the Footprints Program will help fund the project’s research coordinators, research supplies and equipment, provide food for station staff and volunteers, gas for project boats, and supplies for community outreach and education activities.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,009

Raised from 5,053 people

Support Sea Turtles and Sustainable Tourism in Costa Rica RUN BY: Sea Turtle Conservancy

Costa Rica This project will reduce the impacts of climate change on sea turtles and promote eco-tourism as a way to build sustainable conservation programs that provide revenue for local communities.

This project is 100% Funded



USD 25,009

Raised from 11,034 people

Protect Sea Turtles in Costa Rica RUN BY: Sea Turtle Conservancy

Costa Rica Through this project, the Sea Turtle Conservancy will train aspiring conservation biologists from developing nations in the proper techniques for monitoring and protecting nesting sites in order to build capacity for sea turtle conservation in Latin America.

This project is 100% Funded



USD 20,002

Raised from 7,959 people

Saving Sea Turtles in Costa Rica RUN BY: Sea Turtle Conservancy

Costa Rica To monitor and protect endangered green turtles at Tortuguero, Costa Rica (nesting site for the largest remaining green turtle colony in the world), through a rigorous research, conservation and community education program.

This project is 100% Funded



USD 15,002

Raised from 5,775 people