2,023,922 people have helped raise more than $5,787,248 for 274 projects

How to get involved


Online customers are smart and they care about the ethics and values of the companies from which they purchase.

If you sell stuff online, you can benefit from integrating Footprints to your purchase path. Find out how.  Or see who else has joined the Network.

Charities and NGOs

Our charities and NGO members implement and manage the projects that Footprints funds. 

Find out who our current project partners are, or opportunities for your charity/NGO to join the Network


You are never too small to make a difference!  Here are some ideas on how you, as an individual can get involved:

Tell us who you think should add Footprints to their online shops... your favourite online businesses, the ones that you trust and shop with often . This way we can grow the network of donors and really make a HUGE impact in the world.

Consider volunteering. We've  compiled a list of volunteering websites to help connect you with people and organisations looking for your skills, time and passions. Whether it's overseas or in your own local area, for a day, a week or a lifetime, go on... do it!

Find out more about extreme poverty and then talk to your family, friends and colleagues.  There are many online groups you can join that will welcome your participation.  We've compiled a list of resources to get your started.