2,026,277 people have helped raise more than $5,803,563 for 274 projects

Water & Sanitation

Where does this issue fit into the Sustainable Development Goals?

Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate sanitation negatively impact food security, livelihood choices and educational opportunities for poor families across the world. Drought afflicts some of the world’s poorest countries, worsening hunger and malnutrition.

By 2050, at least one in four people is likely to live in a country affected by chronic or recurring shortages of fresh water.

Facts & Figures

  • 2.6 billion people have gained access to improved drinking water sources since 1990, but 663 million people are still without
  • At least 1.8 billion people globally use a source of drinking water that is fecally contaminated
  • Between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of the global population using an improved drinking water source has increased from 76 per cent to 91 per cent
  • But water scarcity affects more than 40 per cent of the global population and is projected to rise. Over 1.7 billion people are currently living in river basins where water use exceeds recharge
  • 2.4 billion people lack access to basic sanitation services, such as toilets or latrines
  • More than 80 per cent of wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or sea without any pollution removal
  • Each day,nearly 1,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation-related diarrhoeal diseases
  • Hydropower is the most important and widely-used renewable source of energy and as of 2011, represented 16 per cent of total electricity production worldwide
  • Approximately 70 per cent of all water abstracted from rivers, lakes and aquifers is used for irrigation
  • Floods and other water-related disasters account for 70 per cent of all deaths related to natural disasters

Find our more about this Sustainable Development Goal.

The issues

Background info and projects we've funded to address these issues
- Poverty & hunger
-Water & Sanitation
- Health
- Education
- Energy
- Food Security
- Gender Equality
- Maternal Health
- Ensuring Environmental Sustainability

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Improved Access to Clean Water for Marginalized Groups in Cambodia Cambodia , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Cambodia This project will increase access to equitable WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) services among women, girls, and people living with disabilities in Kampong Chhnang province, Cambodia.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 28,052

Raised from 4,456 people

Water for Ghana Ghana , RUN BY: The Hunger Project Australia

Ghana This program helps solve water scarcity and hygiene issues by empowering rural communities to promote water conservation techniques and develop new water resources.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,004

Raised from 4,709 people

Promote inclusive access to water, sanitation and hygiene in Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Papua New Guinea The project aims to support broader gender equality and social inclusion, helping ensure universal access to clean, safe water and good sanitation for Wewak District.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,015

Raised from 6,580 people

Provide safe sanitation in Bangladesh Bangladesh , RUN BY: Oxfam Australia

Bangladesh With your help, this project will build a new inclusive sanitation block and renovate others in urban Bangladesh. Providing thousands of people with access to safe toilet facilities.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,189

Raised from 6,050 people

Provide water, sanitation and hygiene to healthcare facilities in Timor-Leste Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste This project aims to improve health services in Timor-Leste through construction of water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in four healthcare facilities in Liquica and Manufahi.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 15,002

Raised from 4,381 people

Improve hygiene and sustainable water practices in Cambodia Cambodia , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Cambodia The project will pursue universal and inclusive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene(WASH) access through working with youth, media, health professionals and marginalised groups.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 15,018

Raised from 4,686 people

Provide Communities with Clean Water in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe , RUN BY: CARE Australia

Zimbabwe This project will provide communities with clean water, build toilets and taps in schools, reduce the risk of disease outbreak, educate people about hygiene, and help women and girls spend less time collecting water.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,003

Raised from 7,296 people

Improve Access to Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in PNG Papua New Guinea , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Papua New Guinea The project will increase access to use of universal, equitable and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services as well as empowering women as leaders in the sector and ensuring people with disabilities have a greater voice in decision making.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,021

Raised from 8,520 people

Protect Communities From Flooding in North-eastern India India , RUN BY: Oxfam Australia

India This project will support communities in north-eastern India, helping them to become resilient to the shocks of flooding so that they can maintain clean water and have enough food to eat all year round.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,013

Raised from 9,556 people

Provide Clean Water for Remote Communities in Sumba, Indonesia Indonesia , RUN BY: SurfAid

Indonesia This project will provide clean water by protecting existing water sources from rubbish, animals and other dangerous pollutants as well as training communities to maintain water facilities and improve their knowledge of sanitation practices.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 15,001

Raised from 4,935 people

Provide Water for a Brighter Future in Timor-Leste Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste This project will bring clean and sustainable water supplies and decent toilets to four villages in Timor-Leste, whilst teaching people about the importance of hygiene for staying healthy. With all three basics, people will unlock their potential and break free from poverty.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,002

Raised from 7,746 people

Improve Health and Sanitation for Remote Indonesians Indonesia , RUN BY: SurfAid

Indonesia This project will support eight remote communities in Indonesia to improve their everyday sanitation and hygiene practices through training, social awareness and the building of new and safe toilets to prevent open defecation.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,042

Raised from 7,048 people

Keep Girls in School in Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Papua New Guinea This project will improve water, sanitation and hygiene at four rural schools. In particular, it will support girls to attend school full time through effective and affordable menstrual hygiene management and education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,005

Raised from 9,646 people

Clean Water for Mothers and Babies in Cambodia Cambodia , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Cambodia This project aims to improve the cleanliness of healthcare facilities and maternity wards in rural Cambodia. Improving water and sanitation facilities, and educating hospital staff in improved hygiene, will prevent the spread of infection and reduce the risk of maternal and infant death.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,004

Raised from 9,789 people

Safe Water for People with Disabilities in Cambodia Cambodia , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Cambodia To increase access to water, sanitation and hygiene for the disabled living in one of the communities in the Pursat Province of Cambodia. Also, to increase awareness and improve the perception of the disabled within this community.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,025

Raised from 9,530 people

Bringing water, sanitation & hygiene to a Manufani village Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste To enhance the health and quality of life of poor remote rural people living in a village in Manufahi District, through the provision of access to clean water and sanitation and by improving related hygiene practic

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,000

Raised from 9,087 people

Bringing safe water to schools in Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Papua New Guinea Many schools in Papua New Guinea have no toilets and no supply of safe water. Together, we can ensure the poorest children stay healthy, gain a better education and achieve their potential.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 28,004

Raised from 9,901 people

Sustainable Solar Powered Water Facilities, Mentawai Islands Indonesia , RUN BY: SurfAid

Indonesia To provide 3 villages in the Mentawai islands with solar panels to power water pumps that will provide water to the local communities.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 16,252

Raised from 6,286 people

Bringing safe water & toilets to a Manufahi village Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste To enhance the health and quality of life of poor remote rural people living in a village in Manufahi District, through the provision of access to improved water and sanitation and by improving related hygiene practices.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,018

Raised from 10,026 people

Kakoi Secondary School Water Pipeline Project Tanzania , RUN BY: World Expeditions

Tanzania Due to continuing drought in the Masai village of Kakoi, there is a serious shortage of clean water. This project will lay water pipeline to a local school bringing clean water to a communal tap.

This project is 100% Funded



USD 4,219

Raised from 1,849 people

Bringing safe water and toilets to a Liquica village Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste To enhance the health and quality of life of poor remote rural people living in a village in Liquica District, through the provision of access to safe water, toilets and hygiene practices.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 28,007

Raised from 20,227 people

Kids clean water project, Mpofini village South Africa , RUN BY: Oxfam Australia

South Africa Get clean water, sanitation and hygiene to the 23,000 people living in Ufafa region, South Africa and prevent deadly diseases like diarrhoea.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,004

Raised from 9,236 people

Bringing safe water & sanitation to a Manufahi village Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste This project will enhance the health and quality of life of poor, remote, rural people living in a village in Manufahi District, by providing access to improved water and sanitation and by improving related hygiene practices.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 28,001

Raised from 13,623 people

Healthy women & kids clean water project, Cambodia Cambodia , RUN BY: Oxfam Australia

Cambodia Oxfam’s water, sanitation and hygiene program (WASH) program aims to increase the health of children in specific schools and deliver gender justice within WASH program in Kratie and Preah Vihear districts.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,001

Raised from 8,122 people

Clean water for ethnic communities, Laos Lao PDR , RUN BY: CARE Australia

Lao PDR This project will support some of the poorest and most remote ethnic groups in Phongsaly, Sekong and Sayabouri Provinces in Laos by delivering clean water systems, improved levels of nutrition and health, and generating new income opportunities.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,002

Raised from 12,304 people

Clean water project, rural Cambodia Cambodia , RUN BY: Oxfam Australia

Cambodia Oxfam’s water, sanitation and hygiene program (WASH) program aims to increase the health of local communities through expanded access to safe water and sanitation and improved hygiene practices in 71 communities.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,002

Raised from 9,476 people

School Toilets, East Sepik Papua New Guinea , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Papua New Guinea This project will provide 400 children at a rural school in Papua New Guinea with toilet facilities, and clean water for drinking and hand-washing, to improve child health and school retention rates.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 28,327

Raised from 15,565 people

Clean Water project, Kinumbuk Indonesia , RUN BY: SurfAid

Indonesia This project will improve the existing water source and deliver clean water to a village tank and tap stands in Kinumbuk, South Pagai, Mentawai Islands.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 5,001

Raised from 2,324 people

Build school toilets, Eastern Highlands, PNG Papua New Guinea , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Papua New Guinea This project will provide children at a rural school in Papua New Guinea with toilet facilities and clean water for drinking and hand-washing to improve child health and school retention rates.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,001

Raised from 9,445 people

Clean water project, Mentawai Islands Indonesia , RUN BY: SurfAid

Indonesia Protection of a spring fed water source, installation of piping and tap stands in Sagitci Barat, Mentawai Islands to improve health and skills in building/maintaining water systems.

This project is 100% Funded



USD 5,001

Raised from 2,168 people

Safe drinking water, Sayaboury Lao PDR , RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Lao PDR This project funds construction of new 53 water wells in 8 villages in Sayaboury District where the old wells were damaged through flooding and now unusable. Also, reparation of the water system and pipe replacement in Namone village.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 17,074

Raised from 7,708 people

Improving water & sanitation, Timor-Leste Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste Delivery of safe water, sanitation and hygiene for approx 160 people in one village in Manufahi District including construction of gravity feed water facilities, construction of latrines and hygiene education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 26,969

Raised from 11,831 people

Improving water access in Kilifi District schools, Kenya Kenya , RUN BY: Plan International Australia

Kenya This project will enhance the health and quality of life of 6,000 students in 16 underserved schools in Kilifi through improved access to safe and sustainably managed water supplies.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,001

Raised from 8,954 people

Integrated water, sanitation and hygiene, Liquica Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste To enhance the health and quality of life of poor remote rural people living in a village in Liquica District, through the provision of access to improved water and sanitation and by improving related hygiene practices.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,000

Raised from 13,153 people

Water Facility Rehabilitation, Nias Indonesia , RUN BY: SurfAid

Indonesia Assessment, evaluation and repair of damaged water facilities together with coordinated activities to deliver training in repair and maintenance and community ownership of the resources.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 18,002

Raised from 8,682 people

Clean water & sanitation for 315 people, Nias Indonesia , RUN BY: SurfAid

Indonesia Improve the health of Nias communities through delivery of safe, clean water and sanitation through wells, springs, rainwater tanks and building public latrines and hygiene education

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 10,041

Raised from 4,288 people

Integrated water, sanitation & education, Liquica Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste To improve the health and quality of life among rural poor communities in 1 village in Liquica District in Timor-Leste through integrated water, sanitation and hygiene education activities, and to advocate for increased quality and quantity output of the whole rural Water and Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 36,302

Raised from 15,248 people

Water & sanitation provision, Liquica villages Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste Improve the health and quality of life of women, men and children through provision of sustainable community-managed water and sanitation services and support change through hygiene education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 31,552

Raised from 12,823 people

Water and sanitation provision, Liquica villages Timor-Leste , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Timor-Leste Improve the health and quality of life of women, men and children in 67 households through provision of sustainable community-managed water and sanitation services and support change through hygiene education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,294

Raised from 10,437 people

School Sanitation Project, Biratnagar Nepal , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Nepal Provide appropriate sanitation facilities for 1,339 students at Janapatha Secondary School and support hygiene education activities.

This project is 100% Funded



GBP 2,203

Raised from 2,062 people

Capture Fog Nets for drinking water, Tiactac village Guatemala , RUN BY: Round Square

Guatemala Building capture fog nets to generate a new clean drinking water supply for 300 people, Tiactac village, Western Highlands, Guatemala.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 21,171

Raised from 8,106 people

Provide potable water & hygiene education, Khati School India , RUN BY: People's Environmental Awareness - Khati

India Improve the health status of school children in Khati, through the provision and use of safe drinking and hand washing water, and hygiene education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 686

Raised from 256 people

Provide Water to Qelqanqa Village, Peru Peru , RUN BY: World Expeditions

Peru Provide clean drinking water to the remote Qelqanqa Village in Peru

This project is 100% Funded



USD 3,008

Raised from 1,339 people

Provide water & sanitation for a school, PNG Papua New Guinea , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Papua New Guinea Improve the health status of children in a community school in the Daulu District PNG, through the provision and use of safe drinking and hand washing water, sanitation facilities and hygiene education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 7,506

Raised from 2,729 people